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Neurosurgery or neurological surgery commonly known as brain surgery, is the medical specialty concerned with the surgical treatment of disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including brain spiral cord and peripheral nervous system.

Treatments of Neurosurgery

Spine Decommission and Fusion

This is a procedure that aims to relieve pain and pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves in the lower back.


This is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed on patients with a herniated lumbar disc


A surgical operation in which a bone flap is temporarily removed from the skull to access the brain.

Brain Tumour

Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted biological agents or a combination thereof.


A hollow tube is surgically placed in the brain to help drain cerebrospinal fluid and redirect it to another location in the body where it can be reabsorbed.

Hospitals Department Spokesperson Estimated Cost
Nanavati Max (Mumbai) Neurosurgery Nilesh/Ashish -
Artemis Hospital (Gurugram) Neurosurgery Vasundhara/Satyendra -
Fortis Memorial Research Institute (Gurugram) Neurosurgery Vasundhara/Satyendra -

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